Parent Information » Parent Involvement

Parent Involvement

Parent involvement is welcomed at Marguerita School. Parent participation including planning, implementation, and evaluation is strongly encouraged. Parent advisory groups, made up of the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) that meets four times a year. The School Site Council (SSC), made up of the principal and an elected body of school personnel and parents, meets at least six times a year to be trained and facilitate input into the school program and the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Furthermore, a published calendar of events and a monthly newsletter are translated into three languages, is sent home with every student at the beginning of each month. Parents are encouraged to attend all school and community activities, such as parent teacher conference, Back-to-School Night, Open House, parent education sessions organized by the district and or school.


The Marguerita School PTA actively supports the students and staff. They provide funds for field trips, assemblies, rewards, and materials.

Level of Parent and Community Involvment

Our level of parent involvement consists of support at various grade levels. Parents volunteer assist throughout the school in classrooms, fieldtrips, and other curricular and non-curricular activities. This level of parent involvement is indicated on a sign-in log located in our main office. As of 2013-2014 school year, parents volunteering in the different levels are required to go through a life scan registration with the district.


Of special mention is our very own vegetable garden which serves students from K through 8th grade. It is through the dedication and belief of one of our beloved volunteers that this garden not only serves to grow fruits from the earth, but also enriches the minds of our youth through hands-on experiences.