Programs » Gateway to Success

Gateway to Success

The Pyramid of Success for students encompasses both the academic, as well as the mental health of students. Gateway to Success, a nationally recognized program exclusive to AUSD, is geared to help students overcome barriers and attain their goals. Students are referred by administrators, teachers, or parents to receive counseling services from counseling interns or from counseling agencies. A part-time Gateway to Success counselor coordinates services to individual students according to needs, as well as coordinates or provides presentation to educate and inform students and faculty of impending strategies of success. Two part-time intervention advisors provide the needs of the school. One focuses on attendance of students and group activities and the other concentrates on small group activities to build social and emotional skills in an effort to support students to reach their highest potential as successful citizens. The consent of a parent or legal guardian must be obtained before a student receives services.



 See link below for more information about Gateway to Success: